Friday, December 7, 2007
Ee Tarbal nrdle sig tanhalatter, vor auga testantifular sinisus. Inordata yuregurandmapostar fla gap chuptay i falleb cunren, i feldrip orleb, i rew quarcfen el rats. Juant vorf gad napaf grond efren tillutitamasseben, aber gend mein hetzen. Hast vielen dank fur die efren sinusis. Der sinusis hats shup an denman teller taf. I hafe devutimation, galimation, el rekumation an gralim, el tary. 265 celumites hafe sinusis alle tanhal inordata grabbe git. copenhflate, iy ure telp tal el reden sinusis. El ral war dee frop, oder tal bern der slip el tenhaus. Tannhauser falle viel gesprats gefelden oder die telle hapt gevonten under der spritz gemacht. Wir konnen sid nicht grutz gehat, und veller kannte eben regelmassige tellen die untergehabenstrasse untermachen.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
my dog is snoring
There is a comb on the computer desk. I decided to take the comb and run it through my hair from front to back, repeatedly, expecting my hair to look funny when I got up and looked at it in the mirror, but it just looked the way it always does.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Assuming I snore, I'll never hear myself snore. Just like I'll never be able to look at myself cross-eyed in the mirror.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Auto Mow Beel
My car is now tagged and registered, and I can drive it legally. Too bad there's nowhere to drive it too.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I went camping this past weekend. It was fun. I played Frisbee. I smell like a campfire. I sound like a five year old.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Sabre
I bought a car this morning. It smells a little funny, but funny smells make me laugh. If there was a comedian who could just make funny smells, I'd go smell him/her.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I went to Taco Bell today. Taco Bell sucks. Taco Bell's meat tastes like socks, and so does Taco Bell's cheese, and Taco Bell's bread, and Taco Bell's lettuce. Good soda though.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blogger saves my drafts automatically
Boy, I hope blogger saves this one, cause I'll definitely need to come back later and
Monday, October 22, 2007
I was riding my bike on 49 today and a large truck passed by me and his wind almost knocked me off the road. But it didn't, because I can steer good.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Post (Raisin Bran)
I'd like to thank Jamie McCarthy for giving me the honor of having the "best blog URL". Here I go.......Thanks Jamie.
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